Auto workers, Stellantis reach tentative contract deal that follows model set by Ford

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Pressure builds for GM as Ford, Stellantis reach tentative deals

Auto workers and Stellantis reach tentative contract deal that

GM, Stellantis work to reach UAW contract deals

Ford and Stellantis workers join those at GM in approving contract

AP sources: Auto workers and Stellantis reach tentative contract

United Auto Workers union and Ford reach tentative labor agreement

UAW, Ford Reach Tentative Agreement to End Strike – La Voce di New

General Motors reaches tentative agreement with UAW, potentially

Stellantis and UAW reach tentative contract deal after similar

UAW reaches deal with GM, ends coordinated strikes against Detroit

Auto workers, Stellantis reach tentative contract deal that

Auto workers reach deal with Ford, strikes at GM, Stellantis

UAW wins tentative deals at Stellantis, General Motors

Auto workers and Stellantis reach tentative contract deal that

Auto workers union announces tentative agreement to end strike