Some emperor penguin sites experienced 'total breeding failure' because of sea ice loss

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Emperor penguins abandoning their breeding sites - Oceanographic

Emperor Penguins Are On The Move to Avoid Breeding On Melting Ice

Emperor penguin colonies experience 'total breeding failure' — Up to 10,000 chicks likely drowned or froze to death in the Antarctic, as their sea-ice platform fragmented before they could develop waterproof feathers

Up to 10,000 Emperor Penguin Chicks Killed By Melting Antarctic Ice

Satellite mapping finds new colony of Emperor penguins

Poop stains reveal four previously unknown Emperor penguin colonies

Catastrophic breeding failure' for penguins as Antarctic sea ice vanishes

As ice melts, emperor penguins march toward extinction

Emperor penguins, recommended as threatened species under Endangered Species Act – Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Breeding failure in emperor penguins last winter – and this year?