E-Scooter Tuning: Buy E-Scooter and make it faster– E-Bike Tuning

4.7 (595) · € 22.50 · Auf Lager

E-Scooter Tuning Products: Buy e-scooter and make it faster, unlock from 20km/h limit. With solutions for Ninebot, IO Hawk Legend and Legend Lite, Doc Green, Egret and The-Urban Scooter.
MESC MicroBoost: Professional Tuning Module for IO Hawk Legend The MicroBoost module from Mountain Tuning MESC unlocks your IO Hawk Legend e-scooter from the 20 km/h limit. The MicroBoost is easy to install and uninstall. The MicroBoost module is connected to the short connector between throttle grip and wiring harness (on the handlebars). No switch is made. The MicroBoost activates or deactivates itself (see instructions). It is important to note that the actual achievable maximum speed depends on many factors such as rider weight, gradients, wind, road, and in any case the 20 Km/h limit will be removed. MESC MicroBoost Instructions Disconnect the connector from the display, plug in the MicroBoost and wait until the LED lights up permanently. Done. The next time you plug in the MicroBoost, the tuning will be deactivated, then reactivated and so on. The MicroBoost remembers what was done last and always changes the status.MESC MicroBoost - Compatibility This tuning module is compatible with the following e-scooters: IO Hawk Legend IO Hawk Legend Lite
Egret Ten V4 mit Straßenzulassung inklusive Power Update (Firmware Version 9.3) Wichtig: Reduzierte B-Ware Tipp: Wer den Egret Ten V4 auch außerhalb der StVO in Deutschland fahren möchte, kann die 20 Km/h Begrenzung mit dem ScooterBoost by Mountain Tuning aufheben. Es handelt sich dabei um das erste E-Scooter Tuning Produkt für E-Scooter mit Straßenzulassung überhaupt! Der Egret Ten ist ein E-Scooter der absoluten Spitzenklasse; jetzt gibt es ihn sogar mit Straßenzulassung. Beim Egret Ten V4 „STVO Version“ wurden alle technischen Eigenschaften und die Ausstattung so angepasst, dass sie den Vorgaben der neuen Elektrokleinstfahrzeuge-Verordnung (eKFV) entsprechen. Das heißt, du kannst mit diesem Fahrzeug in Deutschland ganz legal auf Radwegen oder, falls keine Radwege vorhanden sind, auf Straßen fahren. Der Egret Ten V4 „STVO Version“ basiert auf dem Klassiker „Egret Ten V3“, welcher sogar Testsieger bei AutoBild wurde (33/2018). Die Ausstattung dieses Modells ist absolut erstklassig, beim Egret Ten V4 wurde durchweg auf allerhöchste Qualität geachtet. Ein herausragendes Merkmal dieses E-Scooters ist der sehr starke 500 Watt Motor, der für eine äußerst kraftvolle Beschleunigung und ordentlich Power sorgt (es handelt sich dabei übrigens um die absolut höchste Motorleistung, die laut eKFV bei E-Scootern erlaubt ist). Ein weiteres Highlight ist die extrem hohe Reichweite, die bis zu 40 Kilometer beträgt. Damit ist der Egret Ten V4 weit mehr als nur ein Fahrzeug für die letzte Meile, also z.B. für den Weg von der S-Bahn-Haltestelle nach Hause. Mit diesem E-Scooter kann man auch längere Erkundungsfahrten oder Ausflüge in die Natur unternehmen. Dank des starken Motors kommt dieser Scooter auch mit moderaten Steigungen bestens zurecht. Die Fahreigenschaften des Egret Ten V4 sind ebenfalls hervorragend. Schöne große 10“ Luftreifen federn eventuelle Bodenunebenheiten bestens ab und sorgen für ein sehr komfortables und sicheres Fahrgefühl. Ein Display zur Anzeige der Geschwindigkeit und anderer Parameter ist vorhanden. Den rechtlichen Vorgaben entsprechend liegt die Höchstgeschwindigkeit des Egret Ten V4 bei 20 km/h – höhere Maximalgeschwindigkeiten sind laut Elektrokleinstfahrzeuge-Verordnung nicht erlaubt. Eine STVO-konforme Lichtanlage und die vorgeschriebene Kennzeichenhalterung hinten sind ebenfalls vorhanden. Selbstverständlich lässt sich der Roller zusammenklappen, so dass er kompakt verstaut werden kann, z.B. im Kofferraum eines PKWs. Die Verarbeitung dieses E-Scooters ist extrem robust und stabil. Hier wurde größter Wert gelegt auf absolut hochwertige Komponenten. Ein ausgereiftes Bremssystem sorgt für ein Höchstmaß an Sicherheit. Das Design des Egret Ten V4 ist erwachsen und zeitlos. Dieser E-Scooter ist kein bloßes Spielzeug - es handelt sich um ein qualitativ hochwertiges, praktisches Gefährt, das extrem zuverlässig ist und gleichzeitig ein hohes Maß an Fahrspaß garantiert. Hinter der Marke EGRET steht die „Walberg Urban Electrics GmbH“ aus Hamburg. Egret Ten V4 / STVO-Version – Technische Daten Maximalgeschwindigkeit: 20 km/h Motorleistung: 500 Watt (Spitzenleistung bis zu 800 Watt) Maximale Reichweite: 40 km Akku: LI-ION 48V / 11.6Ah Bereifung: 10“ Luftreifen Beleuchtung: Vorne & hinten / STVO-konform Vorder- und Hinterradbremse Gesamtgewicht: 17 kg Kennzeichenhalterung hinten Größe: 115 x 54,5 x 95-115cm Größe gefaltet: 107 x 18,5 x 38 cm Erhältlich in schwarz, grau & blau Alter: Ab 14 Jahre Keine Führerscheinpflicht Keine Helmpflicht Versicherungspflichtig: Ja (Versicherungsplakette) 
Egret Ten V4.1 mit Straßenzulassung Special Edition mit Holz-Trittbrett und Power Update Wichtig: Alle Egret Ten V4 haben bei uns schon das Power Update inklusive. Die aktuelle Firmware Version 9.3 ist bereits aufgespielt! Tipp: Wer den Egret Ten V4 auch außerhalb der StVO in Deutschland fahren möchte, kann die 20 Km/h Begrenzung mit dem ScooterBoost by Mountain Tuning aufheben. ScooterBoost ist das erste E-Scooter Tuning Produkt für E-Scooter mit Straßenzulassung überhaupt. Den vielfachen Testsieger Egret Ten gibt es jetzt auch in einer Version mit Straßenzulassung in einer Special Edition mit Holz-Trittbrett. Die anderen Leistungsdaten sind dem Egret Ten V4 gleich: 500W Motor, Reichweite bis zu 40 km. Der Egret Ten V4 ist ein Fahrzeug mit Straßenzulassung der absoluten Oberklasse. Die Höchstgeschwindigkeit des „Egret Ten V4 / STVO Version“ in der Special Edition mit Holz-Trittbrett liegt bei 20 km/h, womit der Elektroroller den Vorgaben der Elektrokleinstfahrzeuge-Verordnung entspricht. Eine STVO-konforme Lichtanlage sowie ein Kennzeichenhalter wurden ebenfalls hinzugefügt, so dass man den Roller ganz legal auf deutschen Straßen und Radwegen fahren darf. EGRET ist eine Marke der „Walberg Urban Electrics GmbH“ aus Hamburg. Egret Ten V4 / STVO-Version – Technische Daten Maximalgeschwindigkeit: 20 km/h Motorleistung: 500 Watt Maximale Reichweite: 40 km Akku: LI-ION 48V / 11.6Ah Bereifung: 10“ Luftreifen Beleuchtung: Vorne & hinten / STVO-konform Vorder- und Hinterradbremse Gesamtgewicht: 17 kg Mit Kennzeichenhalterung Größe: 115 x 54,5 x 95-115cm Größe gefaltet: 107 x 18,5 x 38 cm Erhältlich in schwarz mit Holzbrett
MESC IOL 1K: Tuning Modul für IO Hawk Legend mit 1000 Watt Motor-Kit MESC IOL 1K ist das neue Tuning Modul für IO Hawk Legend E-Scooter, die bereits mit einem größeren IO Hawk Motor (1000 Watt) oder Kaboo Mantis Motor erweitert wurden. Diese können nun mit dem MESC IOL 1K gedrosselt und wie wir es von den anderen MESC Tuning Chips kennen, wieder entdrosselt werden. Der Wunsch vieler IO Hawk Legend Besitzer ist es, ihren Legend nach dem Motortausch wieder drosseln zu können, um 20 Km/h maximal fahren zu können. Genau das macht das MESC IOL 1K. Das MESC IOL 1K ist geeignet für alle IO Hawk und Kaboo Mantis Motoren die über eine Steckbrücke am Controller zur Geschwindigkeitsdrosselung verfügen, sofern der Motor kompatibel zum IO Hawk Legend/Mantis 10 und dem LH01 Display (oder Baugleich) ist und über einen HUB verfügt. Es wird keine zusätzliche Hardware oder Software benötigt, die Aktivierung des Tunings erfolgt über eine Tastenkombination am Display und ist beim nächsten mal einschalten wieder deaktiviert. Auch hier handelt es sich also um echtes „German Maneuver“. Es handelt sich beim MESC IOL 1K um ein Modul, das ganz einfach am Controller zwischengeschaltet werden muss. Irgendwelche zusätzliche Hard- oder Software werden nicht benötigt. Am E-Scooter selbst muss auch nichts freigeschaltet werden. Nach dem Einbau des Moduls lässt sich das Tuning ganz einfach aktivieren. Aktivierung: Gehe nach der Installation des MESC IOL 1K Moduls folgendermaßen vor, um das Tuning einzuschalten:  Die Aktivierung erfolgt über eine einfache Tastenkombination. Sie liegt dem Modul bei. Nun ist das Tuning aktiv, die 20 km/h Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung wurde aufgehoben und der Motor/Controller kann seine ungedrosselte Leistung entfalten. Das Tuning bleibt solange aktiviert, bis man den E-Scooter wieder ausschaltet. Das bedeutet: Schaltet man den E-Scooter erneut ein, ist die Höchstgeschwindigkeit wieder auf ca. 20 km/h begrenzt – solange, bis das Modul erneut aktiviert wird.  Beachte bitte: Nach dem Einschalten des IO HAWK Legend E-Scooters hat man nur 40 Sekunden Zeit, das Tuning zu aktivieren. Damit soll vermieden werden, dass man das Tuning während des Fahrens durch hin- und herschalten versehentlich einschaltet Über MESC IOL 1K Das Modul ist ein hochwertiges Qualitätsprodukt Made in Germany. Dieses Tuning Modul wurde in Deutschland von erfahrenen Spezialisten entwickelt und produziert. Nach der Herstellung wird jedes Modul auf korrekte Funktionalität geprüft. Wichtiger Hinweis: Beachte bitte, dass die Nutzung von Tuning Tools wie dem MESC IOL 1K in Deutschland im Bereich der STVO nicht erlaubt ist (in Deutschland ist die Höchstgeschwindigkeit von E-Scootern - laut der Elektrokleinstfahrzeuge-Verordnung - auf 20 km/h begrenzt). Nutzt man ein Tuning Tool, entfallen außerdem der Versicherungsschutz und die Gewährleistung des E-Scooter Herstellers. MESC IOL 1K – Kompatibilität Dieses Tuning Modul ist kompatibel mit folgenden E-Scootern: IO Hawk Legend die bereits mit einem größeren IO Hawk Motor (1000 Watt) oder Kaboo Mantis Motor erweitert wurden. Wichtig: Bis auf Weiteres versenden wir keine Produkte von Mountain Tuning außerhalb Deutschlands.
MESC IOL LV: Professional tuning module for IO Hawk Legend on handlebars MESC IOL L by Mountain Tuning - Tuning module for IO Hawk Legend and IO Hawk Legend Lite e-scooters for handlebar mounting. With this high-quality tuning tool, the 20 km/h speed limit of IO Hawk Legend e-scooters can be easily lifted. Depending on factors such as battery, terrain conditions and rider weight, speeds of up to over 30 km/h can be achieved. The MESC IO L is a module that simply needs to be installed on the handlebars. No additional hardware or software is required. Nothing has to be activated on the e-scooter itself. Once the module has been installed, the tuning can be activated very easily.Activation: After installing the MESC IOL module, proceed as follows to activate the tuning: Activation is done via a simple key combination. It is included with the module. Now the tuning is active, the 20 km/h speed limit has been lifted and maximum speeds of just over 30 km/h are possible. The tuning remains activated until the e-scooter is switched off again. This means: If you switch the e-scooter on again, the maximum speed is again limited to approx. 20 km/h - until the module is activated again. Please note: After switching on the IO HAWK Legend or Legend Lite e-scooter, you have 40 seconds to activate the tuning. This is to avoid accidentally activating the tuning while driving by switching back and forth.Installation: The module is simply installed on the handlebars. Disconnect the cable connection from the display and install the MESC module. About MESC IOL The module is a high-quality product Made in Germany. This tuning module was developed and produced in Germany by experienced specialists. After production, each module is tested for correct functionality.Important notice:Please note that the use of tuning tools such as the MESC IOL is not permitted in Germany in the area of the StVO (in Germany, the maximum speed of e-scooters - according to the Elektrokleinstfahrzeuge-Verordnung - is limited to 20 km/h). If you use a tuning tool, the insurance cover and the warranty of the e-scooter manufacturer also do not apply.MESC IOL - Advantages at a glance Removal of the 20 km/h speed limit. Drive up to 32 km/h with full motor support. All values such as current speed are still correctly indicated on the display. Tuning can be switched on at any time. Easy installation of the tuning module on the handlebar. By removing the module, the original condition of the e-scooter can be easily restored. After production, each module is tested for correct function.MESC IOL L - Compatibility This tuning module is compatible with the following e-scooters: IO Hawk Legend IO Hawk Legend Lite
MESC IOL LV: Professional tuning module for IO Hawk Legend on handlebars MESC IOL L by Mountain Tuning - Tuning module for IO Hawk Legend and IO Hawk Legend Lite e-scooters for handlebar mounting. With this high-quality tuning tool, the 20 km/h speed limit of IO Hawk Legend e-scooters can be easily lifted. Depending on factors such as battery, terrain conditions and rider weight, speeds of up to over 30 km/h can be achieved. The MESC IO L is a module that simply needs to be installed on the handlebars. No additional hardware or software is required. Nothing has to be activated on the e-scooter itself. Once the module has been installed, the tuning can be activated very easily. Activation: After installing the MESC IOL module, proceed as follows to activate the tuning: Activation is done via a simple key combination. It is included with the module. Now the tuning is active, the 20 km/h speed limit has been lifted and maximum speeds of just over 30 km/h are possible. The tuning remains activated until the e-scooter is switched off again. This means: If you switch the e-scooter on again, the maximum speed is again limited to approx. 20 km/h - until the module is activated again. Please note: After switching on the IO HAWK Legend or Legend Lite e-scooter, you have 40 seconds to activate the tuning. This is to avoid accidentally activating the tuning while driving by switching back and forth. Installation: The module is simply installed on the handlebars. Disconnect the cable connection from the display and install the MESC module. About MESC IOL The module is a high-quality product Made in Germany. This tuning module was developed and produced in Germany by experienced specialists. After production, each module is tested for correct functionality. Important notice: Please note that the use of tuning tools such as the MESC IOL is not permitted in Germany in the area of the StVO (in Germany, the maximum speed of e-scooters - according to the Elektrokleinstfahrzeuge-Verordnung - is limited to 20 km/h). If you use a tuning tool, the insurance cover and the warranty of the e-scooter manufacturer also do not apply. MESC IOL - Advantages at a glance Removal of the 20 km/h speed limit. Drive up to 32 km/h with full motor support. All values such as current speed are still correctly indicated on the display. Tuning can be switched on at any time. Easy installation of the tuning module on the handlebar. By removing the module, the original condition of the e-scooter can be easily restored. After production, each module is tested for correct function. MESC IOL L - Compatibility This tuning module is compatible with the following e-scooters: IO Hawk Legend IO Hawk Legend Lite
MESC One: Professional tuning module for ESA5000 and ESA1919 e-scooters More speed for your e-scooter from Lidl or ATU (only ESA5000 and ESA1919). MESC ONE by Mountain Tuning is an ingenious tuning module that makes it child's play to remove the 20 km/h speed limit from Doc Green ESA 5000 and ESA1919 e-scooters. After that, the vehicles can reach a speed of up to 35 km/h in freewheel mode, although speeds of up to 32 km/h are more realistic in real driving conditions (the real speed that can be reached always depends on external factors such as rider weight, gradients, wind conditions, condition of the battery, etc.). In any case, with the MESC ONE Tuning Module you can ride much faster than before! This means a real plus in riding fun. Attention: A high quality of the used materials and the production Made in Germany is guaranteed. We ship the same day we receive your payment. We have filled the warehouse for you to ensure a fast delivery at a top price. Easy installation The MESC ONE Tuning Module simply needs to be fitted between the display and the controller. The first step is to remove the handlebars and disconnect the cables from the handlebars and handlebars. The tuning module can be removed again at any time, so that the original condition of the e-scooter is restored. Activate tuning After installation, the Tuning Module can be switched on and off as required: After switching on the e-scooter, the tuning is initially always Off. Now you only have to wait a few seconds until the lower LED of the scooter no longer lights up green. Now the tuning can be activated at any time by pressing the power button of the e-scooter 7 times in quick succession within a time window of 4 seconds. As soon as the green LED has blinked 3 times, the tuning is activated and you can drive around 30 km/h with motor assistance. To deactivate the tuning, simply switch off the e-scooter. The next time it is switched on, the tuning must be reactivated as described above. Tip: You should make sure to press the on button to activate the tuning (7 x) as quickly as possible - if you press it too slowly, you will activate the light or the ecomode instead.MESC ONE - Advantages at a glance Removal of the 20 km/h speed limit. Drive up to 32 km/h with full motor support. All values such as current speed are still shown correctly on the display. Tuning can be switched on at any time. Easy installation of the tuning module. By removing the module, the original condition of the e-scooter can be easily restored. After production, each module is tested for correct function.MESC ONE - Compatibility This tuning module is compatible with the following e-scooters: Doc Green ESA 5000 (Lidl) Doc Green ESA 1919 (ATU)
Mini 7 Mini folding tool extremely small pack sizemany functions in only one tool for repairing (almost) all breakdowns on the road
MESC IOL: Professional Tuning Module for IO Hawk Legend Lite E-Scooter MESC IOL by Mountain Tuning - Tuning Module for IO Hawk Legend Lite E-Scooter With this high-quality tuning tool, the 20 km/h speed limit of IO Hawk Legend Lite e-scooters can be easily lifted. Depending on factors such as battery, terrain and rider weight, speeds of up to over 30 km/h can be achieved. Note: If you have an IO Hawk Legend and not a Legend Lite, then you need this version. The MESC IOL is a module that simply has to be connected to the controller. No additional hardware or software is required. Nothing has to be activated on the e-scooter itself. After installing the module, the tuning can be activated very easily. Activation: After installing the MESC IOL module, proceed as follows to activate the tuning: Activation is done via a simple key combination. It is included with the module. Now the tuning is active, the 20 km/h speed limit has been lifted and maximum speeds of just over 30 km/h are possible. The tuning remains activated until the e-scooter is switched off again. This means: If you switch the e-scooter on again, the maximum speed is again limited to approx. 20 km/h - until the module is activated again. Please note: After switching on the IO HAWK Legend or Legend Lite e-scooter, you only have 40 seconds to activate the tuning. This is to avoid accidentally activating the tuning while driving by switching back and forth. About MESC IOL The module is a high quality product Made in Germany. This tuning module was developed and produced in Germany by experienced specialists. After production, each module is tested for correct functionality. Important notice: Please note that the use of tuning tools such as the MESC IOL is not permitted in Germany in the area of the StVO (in Germany, the maximum speed of e-scooters - according to the Elektrokleinstfahrzeuge-Verordnung - is limited to 20 km/h). If you use a tuning tool, the insurance cover and the warranty of the e-scooter manufacturer also do not apply. MESC IOL - Advantages at a glance Removal of the 20 km/h speed limit. Drive up to 32 km/h with full motor support. All values such as current speed are still correctly indicated on the display. Tuning can be switched on at any time. Easy installation of the tuning module. By removing the module, the original condition of the e-scooter can be easily restored. After production, each module is tested for correct function. MESC IOL - Compatibility This tuning module is compatible with the following e-scooters: IO Hawk Legend Lite Important: Until further notice, we do not ship Mountain Tuning products outside of Germany.
MESC IOL: Professional Tuning Module for IO Hawk Legend MESC IOL by Mountain Tuning - Tuning module for IO Hawk Legend e-scooters With this high-quality tuning tool, the 20 km/h speed limit of IO Hawk Legend e-scooters can be easily lifted. Depending on factors such as battery, terrain conditions and rider weight, speeds of up to over 30 km/h can be achieved. Please note: As announced, delivery will begin on 15 December. Note: If you have an IO Hawk Legend Lite and not a Legend, then you need this version. The MESC IO is a module that simply has to be connected to the controller. No additional hardware or software is required. Nothing has to be activated on the e-scooter itself. After installing the module, the tuning can be activated very easily. Activation: After installing the MESC IOL module, proceed as follows to activate the tuning: Activation is done via a simple key combination. It is included with the module. Now the tuning is active, the 20 km/h speed limit has been lifted and maximum speeds of just over 30 km/h are possible. The tuning remains activated until the e-scooter is switched off again. This means: If you switch the e-scooter on again, the maximum speed is again limited to approx. 20 km/h - until the module is activated again. Please note: After switching on the IO HAWK Legend or Legend Lite e-scooter, you only have 40 seconds to activate the tuning. This is to avoid accidentally activating the tuning while driving by switching back and forth. About MESC IOL The module is a high quality product Made in Germany. This tuning module was developed and produced in Germany by experienced specialists. After production, each module is tested for correct functionality. Important notice: Please note that the use of tuning tools such as the MESC IOL is not permitted in Germany in the area of the StVO (in Germany, the maximum speed of e-scooters - according to the Elektrokleinstfahrzeuge-Verordnung - is limited to 20 km/h). If you use a tuning tool, the insurance cover and the warranty of the e-scooter manufacturer also do not apply. MESC IOL - Advantages at a glance Removal of the 20 km/h speed limit. Drive up to 32 km/h with full motor support. All values such as current speed are still correctly indicated on the display. Tuning can be switched on at any time. Easy installation of the tuning module. By removing the module, the original condition of the e-scooter can be easily restored. After production, each module is tested for correct function. MESC IOL - Compatibility This tuning module is compatible with the following e-scooters: IO Hawk Legend
MESC 9B: Tuning module for almost all Ninebot e-scooters MESC 9B by Mountain Tuning is an ingenious tuning module that makes it child's play to remove the 20 km/h speed limit from almost all Ninebot e-scooters. After that, the vehicles can reach a speed of up to 32 km/h in freewheel mode, although speeds of up to 30 km/h are more realistic in real-life driving (the real achievable speed always depends on external factors such as rider weight, gradients, wind conditions, condition of the battery, etc.). In any case, with the MESC 9B Tuning Module you can ride much faster than before! This means a real plus in riding fun. Please read the following instructions: 1) Important: Please do not update the Ninebot scooters. The firmware version must be BEFORE V1.6.13. Before buying and using the MESC 9B module, please check which firmware is installed on your Ninebot Scooter and whether the module meets the above requirements. 2) Note: When tuning is active, the rear light flashes when braking. 3) Extremely important: As long as the tuning module is activated in your Ninebot Scooter, no firmware updates are allowed; this is also the reason for the German Maneuver function (see below). 4) Attention: The maximum speed depends on the motor, battery and many other factors. A maximum speed cannot be guaranteed, only the lifting of the 20 km/h limit. A high quality of the used materials and the manufacturing Made in Germany is guaranteed. We ship the same day we receive your payment. We have stocked the warehouse for you to ensure fast delivery at a top price. Easy installation The MESC 9B Tuning Module simply needs to be fitted between the display and the controller. The first step is to remove the handlebars and disconnect the cables from the handlebars and handlebars. The tuning module can be removed at any time so that the original condition of the e-scooter is restored. Activating and deactivating tuning After installation, the tuning module can be switched on and off as required: After switching on the Ninebot scooter, press the display button several times in a certain combination (exact instructions are enclosed with the product). Wait a moment, that's it. More will not be revealed here. In freewheel mode, the G30D will then drive at 32 km/h, for example. Switching off the tuning works via German Maneuver, i.e. the Ninebot Scooter simply has to be switched off. After switching on again, the tuning is always deactivated. MESC 9B - Advantages at a glance Removal of the 20 km/h speed limit. Drive up to 32 km/h with full motor support. All values such as current speed are still correctly indicated on the display. Tuning can be switched on at any time. Easy installation of the tuning module. By removing the module, the original condition of the e-scooter can be easily restored. After production, each module is tested for correct function. MESC 9B - Compatibility This tuning module is compatible with the following e-scooters: G-series: G30D, G30E, G30LE, G30LD, G30D 2 F-series: F20D, F20E, F30E, F30D, F40E, F40D E-Series: E22D (max. 25 Kmh with MESC 9B), E22E (max. 25 Kmh with MESC 9B), E25D, E25E, E45D, E45E
Mountain Tuning Controller (MTC) Set 1: ePowerFun ePF-1 Tuning Tuning power for your e-bike! With this ingenious tuning set, the maximum speed of ePowerFun ePF-1 e-scooters can be increased to up to 31 km/h. This makes for a much more powerful riding experience and you will reach your destination much faster. This makes for a much more powerful driving experience and you will reach your destination much faster. It is also great that you can use a cruise control function with the Mountain Tuning Controller, which both e-scooters do not have when delivered. If you want to get the most out of your e-scooter, this tuning set is a real must! Control via app To use the Mountain Tuning Controller, you need to use a different app for your e-scooter, namely the free UNI Scooter app (available for Apple and Android). This only has advantages for you, as the range of functions of your e-bike is considerably increased: You can set the maximum speed individually to a value between 6 km/h and 31 km/h. If you first want to get used to the higher speed of your e-scooter, you can increase the maximum speed only moderately at first, for example to 24-25 km/h, if you wish. Just as you like! Cruise control: On longer journeys, the cruise control maintains the speed so that the ride is much more relaxed. Legal with a double click. 3 different modes can be set via the UNI Scooter app: Factory set Eco with 12 km/h, Normal with 25 km/h and Sport with 31 km/h top speed. You can easily switch between the modes by double-clicking on the display. The app can be used to reduce the maximum speed in Sport mode as desired. In this case, the speeds in the other modes are also reduced accordingly - this means that if you set the Sport mode to (e.g.) 25 km/h, you will drive a maximum of 20 km/h in Normal mode and 9 km/h in Eco mode. This means that if you have set the Sport mode to 25 km/h, you can switch to Normal mode in a flash by double-clicking and then only drive -quite legally- at 20 km/h maximum speed. The other functions of your e-scooter are not affected. After the conversion, do not perform any firmware updates via the ePowerFun app! This can irrevocably destroy the function of the tuning! Important: This is the original Mountain Tuning Set, which includes the Hobbywing Controller. Other sets and controllers with UNI Scooter App can irrevocably damage the scooter. Installation: The Mountain Tuning Controller (MTC) Set 1 consists of two components: A 16A controller for 8.5 inch wheels and a display with Bluetooth module. The Bluetooth module is important because it enables the connection with the app. In order for the tuning system to work, you have to remove the original controller and the original display of your e-bike and replace them with the new components. No special technical knowledge is required for this, so you can easily do the installation yourself - with a little technical skill. To install the new controller, unscrew the base plate of the ePF-1 e-scooter and remove the existing controller. Then you have to install the Mountain Tuning Controller instead - fasten it with the screws and connect it to the corresponding plug connections. Please refer to the illustration! Once the display has been replaced, nothing stands in the way of optimising your e-bike! Take off at up to 31 km/h and enjoy the additional benefits of cruise control! Note: If you have an ePF-1 e-scooter before the 2021 model year, it is sufficient to replace only the controller. With the 2021 series display of the ePF-1, on the other hand, a connection with the app is no longer possible, which is why the installation of the new display is necessary. Please note: By installing the Mountain Tuning product MTC Set 1, the top speed of your ePowerFun ePF-1 e-scooter can be manipulated. As a result, the operating licence of your e-scooter will expire in Germany. However, you can use the tuning tool in regions where higher maximum speeds are permitted, for example in some other countries (in Germany, the maximum speed for e-scooters is 20 km/h according to the Elektrokleinstfahrzeuge-Verordnung). Please always observe the local legislation in the respective country. Important: Note the picture with connections! You can download the UNI Scooter app free of charge here: Android Apple
Mountain Tuning Controller (MTC) SET 2 for ePowerfun e-scooter ePF-1 PRO Tuning for your e-scooter! With this ingenious set, the top speed of your ePF-1 PRO e-scooter can be increased from 20 km/h to up to 31 km/h. This will make your riding experience much more powerful and exciting. This makes your riding experience much more powerful and exciting. You'll also get from A to B much faster!But that's not all: with the Mountain Tuning Controller, you can even equip your ePF-1 PRO with a practical cruise control function that makes riding on long, uniform routes much more relaxed!The other functions of your e-scooter are not affected in any way by the Tuning Set 2.Note: If you use the Mountain Tuning Controller, you must use a different app for your e-scooter, namely the free UNI Scooter app (available for Apple and Android). This has only advantages for you:You can set the maximum speed to an individual value, from 6 km/h up to a brisk 31 km/h (the actual achievable speed always depends on certain additional factors, e.g. the rider's weight). If you feel a bit insecure and want to approach 31 km/h slowly, you can increase the maximum speed moderately at first, e.g. to 24-25 km/h, etc.Legally with a double click. Three different modes can be set via the UNI Scooter app: Factory set Eco with 12 km/h, Normal with 25 km/h and Sport with 31 km/h top speed. You can easily switch between the modes by double-clicking on the display. The app can be used to reduce the maximum speed in Sport mode as desired. In this case, the speeds in the other modes are also reduced accordingly - this means that if you set the Sport mode to (e.g.) 25 km/h, you will drive a maximum of 20 km/h in Normal mode and 9 km/h in Eco mode. This means that if you have set the Sport mode to 25 km/h, you can switch to Normal mode in a flash by double-clicking and then only drive -quite legally- at 20 km/h maximum speed.The cruise control function can only be activated via the app. Installation: The Tuning Set 2 consists of a display with Bluetooth module (establishes the connection with the UNI Scooter App) and an 18A controller for 10 inch wheels.For installation, the original controller of the ePF-1 PRO scooter must be removed and replaced with the Mountain Tuning Controller. This is not really difficult and can be done easily by yourself with a little technical skill. First you have to unscrew the base plate of the ePF-1 PRO scooter and remove the existing controller. Then you have to attach the Mountain Tuning Controller instead - simply fasten it with two screws and connect it to the respective plugs. Please refer to the illustration below!If you have a 2021 ePF-1 PRO e-scooter, you must also replace the old display with the Mountain Tuning Display. This is necessary so that you can connect to the UNI Scooter app (this is not possible with the original 2021 series display). Only with the app can you use the cruise control and set the maximum speed individually.If you still have an old ePF-1 e-scooter (before model year 2021), you do not need to replace the display.Please note: By installing the Mountain Tuning Controller Set 2, the maximum speed of your ePF-1 PRO e-scooter can be manipulated. As a result, the operating licence of your e-scooter will expire in Germany. However, you can use the tuning tool in regions where higher maximum speeds are permitted, for example in some other countries (in Germany, the maximum speed for e-scooters is 20 km/h according to the Electric Mini Vehicle Ordinance). Please always observe the local legislation abroad.Important: Note the picture with connections!Here you can download the UNI Scooter app free of charge: Android Apple
Mountain Tuning Controller (MTC) Set 3: ePowerFun ePF-2 Tuning Tuning for the ePowerFun ePF-2 e-scooter! For all versions: ePF-2 Start, City 480, City 600, City 835, XT 600 and XT 835. This allows you to increase the top speed of your ePF-2 e-scooter from 20 km/h to up to 31 km/h. Your riding experience will be much more powerful. This makes your riding experience much more powerful and exciting. But that's not all: with the Mountain Tuning Controller, you can even equip your ePowerFun ePF-2 with a practical cruise control function, which makes riding on long, steady routes much more relaxed! By the way, the other functions of your e-scooter are not affected in any way by the Tuning Set 3. Important: This is the original Mountain Tuning Set, which includes the Hobbywing controller. Other sets and controllers with UNI Scooter App can irrevocably damage the scooter. After installation, do not perform any firmware updates via the ePowerFun app! This can irrevocably destroy the tuning function! Note: If you use the Mountain Tuning Controller, you must use a different app for your e-scooter, namely the free UNI Scooter app (available for Apple and Android). This has only advantages for you: -You can set the maximum speed to an individual value, up to a brisk 31 km/h (the actual achievable speed always depends on certain additional factors, e.g. the rider's weight). If you feel a little insecure and want to approach 31 km/h slowly, you can increase the maximum speed moderately at first, e.g. to 24-25 km/h, etc. The maximum speed can be set by double-clicking on it.-Legally with a double click. Currently, only the Sport mode with a maximum speed of 31 km/h can be set via the UNI Scooter app. The app can be used to reduce the maximum speed in Sport mode as desired. -The cruise control function can now (in contrast to the other MTC sets) also be switched on and off again with a triple click on the display button. Installation: The MTC Set 3 consists of a display with Bluetooth module (establishes the connection with the UNI Scooter app) and a controller. For installation, the original controller of the ePF-2 scooter must be removed and replaced with the Mountain Tuning Controller. This is not really difficult and can be done easily by yourself with a little technical skill. First you have to unscrew the base plate of the ePF-2 scooter and remove the existing controller. Then you have to attach the Mountain Tuning Controller instead - simply fasten it with two screws and connect it to the respective plugs. You can see an example of how to change an ePF-1 controller here. Please note: By installing the Mountain Tuning product MTC Set 3, the top speed of your ePF-2 e-scooter can be manipulated. As a result, the operating licence of your e-scooter will expire in Germany. You can, however, use the tuning tool in regions where higher maximum speeds are permitted, for example in other countries (in Germany, according to the Ordinance on Very Small Electric Vehicles, a maximum speed of 20 km/h applies to e-scooters) or generally outside the StVZO. Please always observe the legislation in the respective country. You can download the UNI Scooter app free of charge here: Android Apple
Replacement Motor for Xiaomi M365 Pro E-Scooter A replacement motor especially for Xiaomi M365 Pro e-scooter. Ideally suited to replace a defective, old M365 Pro motor. The replacement motor offers stable, powerful performance and runs extremely quietly. The replacement motor is embedded in a puncture-proof tyre that has been equipped with effective honeycomb shock absorption and offers strong grip. The tyre is not only pleasantly silent, it also offers little resistance and is made of non-toxic, environmentally friendly material. The material is very robust and resistant to external influences such as impacts, UV rays, acid rain and ozone. This makes the tyre extremely durable. Technical data Wheel hub motor for Xiaomi M365 Pro e-bike drives Power: 350 Watt Voltage: 36V Built in puncture-proof, robust tyre Honeycomb structure inside for shock absorption Outer diameter: 25 cm / 9.8in Weight: 3.5 kg (incl. packaging) Material: Aluminium alloy & rubber Colour: Black Made in: Guangdong, China

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